Monday, February 28, 2011

Life is like a hurricane in Duckburg!

Okay, I'll stop. ('sides, you know you already have the song stuck in your head... You're welcome.) In case you can't tell, I'm feeling pretty peppy and hyper today and that's because I am about 98% done with the second Crossfire chapter! And I managed to do that while working on that damn research paper over Designer babies, too... although, all that research started giving me ideas for a totally different I need to see Gattaca now...

Ahem, sorry for that stream of consciousness. Anyway, I'm just making little tweaks here and there to the chapter and should have it up by Wednesday. Lol, I got a bit angsty again at the end (I totally hate when that happens) so I got fix that. And then I'll be ready to start chapter 3. So excited since that's when the real action starts up and everyone's favorite FOWL agents show up. Writing dialog for Steelbeak is gonna be a killer though.

In non-fan related stuff, I think our house hunting days are over! We're in the process of putting an offer down on a cute little house in a really quiet neighborhood and hopefully, if all goes well, we'll be moving soon. Bonus, I'll finally have internet at home again!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Of Fics, RPGs and Classwork

So I'm six pages into re-writing chapter 2 of Crossfire. Like I mentioned before, this chapter is pretty heavy simply because this is where Marty and LP are reunited and some past conflicts come up. Seriously, I'm debating on whether or not to just lay out what happened plain and simple or if I should hold off until later on when the next very emotionally heavy situation comes up and really let them hash it out then while worry whether Steelbeak or Feathers is going to catch on to the fact that they're undercover. I've gotten a couple of good reviews so far on chapter one, so that really helps. Its like a motivator to finish it faster... really, I'd be sitting on this for a while if I thought I was the only one enjoying it 'cause I could really just go through the story in my head.

As far as RPing goes... well, I actually started doing that last week. Oh, it is so, so much fun! I've had to sort of create a alternate Marty and Parker to play, but it's like crazy having to come up with stuff to keep the story going. Oh and now that I'm RPing as Quiverwing Duck, I love him even more. He was going to show up in another fic of mine, but he just jumped from supporting cast to main. He needs a comic. Really, he does.

Lastly, class. Ugh, class. We're in our final three weeks of class and the pressure is really on. Working on three movie posters for one class, that damned research paper and math homework. It's been a pretty bad term grade wise...

Anyway, had a poll on DA and the movie posters I'll be parodying are:
Back to the Future
Take Me Home Tonight
and I'm gonna toss in Mean Girls... because I had an idea and I'm sticking to it ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Umbrella-ella-ella...

Darn it, Glee! I avoided that show for nearly a year and now I'm addicted to like half the songs.

Sigh. Well, I had to scrap the Valentine's comic. 10 page research papers, logo projects and my several jobs just don't give me enough time to do... anything. Plus, I'm house-hunting and filling out FHA forms and...blech, just so much. But, that doesn't mean I've given up on doing something for Valentines, art-wise. Plus, kinda go hand in hand with gift-art for some people which I'm happy to do. Seriously, I didn't know how great it was to get gift art till last year and now I'm just sort of addicted to drawing it for other people. Probably shouldn't do that so often just 'cause I'll probably never be commissioned again, but oh well.

Aside from that, I posted the first part of Crossfire to both DeviantArt and Fanfiction.Net. I'm working on the second part now, which is also getting the total rewrite treatment, just like the first chapter. So far, I haven't heard much about it, but eh, can't be helped, I guess. I liked writing it, so I guess that's all the matters :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feeling Artsy

So, today's a sketch day. I uploaded a few of these to dA, but not all. I really need to find a day to color...

A week or so ago, GreyofPTA and I were having a back and forth about who would beat who in a drinking contest between Marty and his OC Inflatabelle. (Seriously, Belle would slaughter Marty... but she's too stubborn to just give up.)

I have an odd obsession of drawing LP in nice button up shirts and ties...

Concept sketches for a one-shot. Honestly, I think LP would have been like a running back in high school (not really a QB, but maybe).

Just some comic practice and a rough layout for the Valentine's Day comic.