Thursday, January 6, 2011

Character Profile- Sophia Irwinn

So I'm starting something new...again. I had a friend on Deviantart ask me about the back story on some of my OC's. Well, I get that question quite a bit and since school and work tend to interrupt my ability to write and draw out all their back stories, I figured putting them up here wouldn't hurt :)

(Please note that all the characters, concepts and stories do belong to me. I find out that someone else is running around with any of them, horrible things will happen...)


Name: Sophia Irwinn
Species: Platypus
Age: 16 (at the time of her first real appearance. She makes a brief cameo at age fourteen in Crossfire, but doesn't really get to talk or do anything)
Personality: Out-going, a little snarky, but bubbly, adventurous
Flaws: Argumentative, she enjoys playing Devil's Advocate and will get into heated arguments with Honker about everything, absentminded, tunnel-vision, speaks without thinking
Hobbies: photography
Alliance: Neutral, but leaning more towards good
Background: Sophia Irwinn is the third oldest and only girl in a family of twelve. She has two older brothers and six younger brothers. Her family moved from Brisbane, AU to St. Canard, Calisota when she was ten after her father purchased a Sugar and Spice Bakery (the same one that housed the cake-portal to the Negaverse, actually.) Her parents turn the small bakery into a rather successful sandwich shop within a year. For the first few years of her life in St. Canard, Sophie keeps to herself until she was caught up in the chaos during the Multiple Darkwing Crisis. Rather than run for her life as she should have, she slipped into a empty drug store, grabbed a disposal camera and began snapping pictures. It wasn't until her older brothers saved her from being crushed under Darkwarrior's tank that she stopped. Once the crisis was over and she developed the pictures (and her parents sold a few despite Sophie's protests), she began keeping tabs on superhero and villain sightings and sneaking out at night to take pictures. Her love for photography soon grew past just the action shots and she began studying it intensely throughout middle school and high school, even volunteering to take photos for the yearbook at any and all outside events. She meets Gosalyn during a soccer tournament she's taking pictures at. It isn't until high school that the two become good friends, though (due mostly to having all the same classes and homeroom together). Eventually, Gos and Sophie end up sharing an apartment during their time in college. During that time, Sophie discovers that Gosalyn is Quiverwing Quack (but never does put together that Drake Mallard is Darkwing.) To keep Sophie from flying off the handle and telling everyone her secret, Gosalyn agrees to let the girl tag along on some of her adventures and let her take photos.

1 comment:

  1. I need to catch up on your posts! I'll put a few different things into this reply to avoid making you go all over the place to find my comments :P

    1 - Sophie: I like her design and having her be an Aussie is a cute touch. (And haha, Irwinn, I'm always amused by how you name characters.)

    2 - I'm sorry for the family drama. We had that on an annual basis around the holidays every year up until just a few back. I hope it doesn't interfere with your creative drive too badly but I'm glad you're soldiering on. ^_^ I suck, I only know one song on your soundtrack list (two if "That Thing You Do" is a cover of the song from the movie of the same title, but even then I don't know that version), but reading it at least makes me interested in hearing some of it. :D The meme sketches are all great, SO expressive! And eeek! The Beth commission! It looks great to me but as I said, if you're struggling with her colouring and it would be easier to have her be white instead of cream, go with it. I can see the wallpaper might be causing a problem. :)

    3 - Zombies and Fairytales: Your description of "Chasing Lily" sounds very engaging, if a bit confusing - I think just b/c there's so much info of an ongoing series to cram into a couple of paragraphs. It's interesting enough to make me curious about seeing it so there you go. The Zombies scene was quite good, and I like how you set it up so that Drake is very uncomfortable killing zombies - something almost no one else really ever brings up. The only time I ever see someone struggling with killing a zombie is in a specific situation, like someone they used to know. I like having Drake mentally set against it in general.
