Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Character Profiles- Ten Things...More or Less

So, this has been going around DeviantArt again. I'll probably post a couple about Sophie, Jane,, actually, I have a couple different OCs. Although, most are simple background characters when it comes to Darkwing Duck, specifically. But they're important to the spin-off I have been working on that focuses on SHUSH and its agents (well, on and off again. Its more like The Office/Scrubs/IT Crowd, but more on that waaay later.Yay for my worst kept secret ever! XD)

**Note- A couple details have changed.

1. Marty's actual name is Martina McNair, but she goes by Marty McFly professionally. Because of this, anyone who hasn't met her in person thinks she's a man. She actually does this on purpose. Not just because she thinks its hilarious to see everyone's reaction, but also because during her time in basic training, she found her fellow recruits had a tendency to treat her differently since she was a girl.

2. Her all time favorite movie just happens to be Back to the case, you couldn't tell. When she is recruited to SHUSH as an agent, she spends much of her free time trying to convince Dr. Bellum to redesign her time machine so that instead of a golf cart, it would be a DeLorean.

3. Her mother died while giving birth to her so her father raised her alone. Despite that sad fact, Marty's childhood was actually very happy. If she ever craved or needed a mother figure, she would simply walk down the road to the McQuack's house and steal LP's and Loopy's mother's attention for a few hours.

4. She was a late bloomer. Until she hit fifteen, Launchpad always figured she was boy since she insisted on dressing and acting like one. For that reason, when she gathered up the courage to kiss him on his thirteenth birthday, LP freaked out and had trouble speaking to her for nearly six months.

5. She's a runaway bride. She freaked out during her first try to marry Launchpad and stole Drake's car in order to get away. Launchpad found her five hours after the ceremony at a Waffle House. The second time, she slept through her wedding. The third, Morgana and Drake stood guard outside her room and then dragged her down the aisle.

6. She formally met Darkwing when he had to hire a temporary pilot to replace Launchpad after he actually injured himself in a crash.

7. She loves pulling pranks and sometimes goes to elaborate lengths to pull them off. Launchpad is usually her target.

8. She curses. A lot.

9. She hates taking pictures. If she has to, she will spend as much time as she thinks she needs to look pretty and try out different poses. The only time she doesn't do this is for photobooth pictures since she believes the purpose of those is to make the craziest faces as possible.

10. At one point, she decided she didn't want to be pilot in highschool (this nearly killed her father who had already invested in rebuilding an old bi-plane for her) and tried to be a cheerleader instead. It didn't work out, but she does know a few flips and kicks now. She'll also do the splits at anytime just prove she can.

1. His full name is Parker Aiden Mallard. The decision to name him this was a compromise between Drake and Monoculo (with some *ahem* not-so-gentle help from Morgana.)

2. He's not very fussy. In fact, he's usually laidback with a few exceptions.

3. The McQuack triplets would be one of those exceptions. When Olive, Molly and Rebecca around, Parker tends to hide in the cupboards, closets and on one occassion, the roof. It isn't that he dislikes them, just that they're overwhelming all at once. He also dislikes the fact that he's constantly surrounded by girls. Launchpad can sympathize.

4. He constantly loses control of his magic and Drake tends to get the most abuse because of it, much like his mother. Unlike his mother, Parker has a tendency to turn his father into different animals rather than pudding and the like.

5. He'd rather be out on patrol with his sister and father than go to school, not because he doesn't like school, but because he's afraid of what the other kids might think of him. He inherited his father's small stature and constantly has to assure people that he's old enough to attend school.

6. On his first day of kindergarten, he accidentally turned his teacher into an emu. His teacher did not appreciate it.

7. His grandfather, Monoculo, is constantly badgering his mother, Morgana to change his name and send him to the Eldritch Academy so that he be taught how to use his magic properly.

8. Parker tends to inadvertantly insult Gizmoduck by comparing him to Darkwing or telling him that he talks funny. Drake is very happy about this, by the way.

9. He knows how to play the violin quite well.

10. He and his negaverse twin have switched spots before. They both realized they liked their respective families better.

11. He actually likes his grandfather Monoculo and enjoys learning magic from him. He doesn't enjoy his father and grandfater constantly bickering, though.

Jane Doppler aka Hurricane Jane
1. Jane was born with the ability to control the weather; however, she is not a witch. Not in the same sense as Morgana, anyway. Both of her parents are completely normal and there was never any record of any of her grandparents or other relations having that ability.

2. She's Canadian.

3. Her super-villain alias was inspired by a song with the same name. When she managed to drag herself out of the bay and back onto land, it was the first thing she heard. At the time, she didn't know where it was coming from and thought she was going insane (which she eventually did, anyway). It turned out some surfers who saw the storm as a perfect opportunity to catch some waves had left their radio on the beach with that song blaring.

4. She considered joining the Fearsome Five at one point. She decided against it, stating "that was just too much testosterone for her and that clingy clown freaked her out".

5. Needless to say, she's not a huge fan of QuackerJack. She has no problem with clowns. She just doesn't want to be around for when he finally snaps.

6. She is not a blonde. She wears a styled Anna Savannah wig with her Hurricane Jane outfit which hides her short, brown hair.

7. She prefers to be alone. At one point, she had entertained the idea of finding "The One" and settling down until the reporter she was dating used the footage of her supposed "death" to secure a position as anchor at the news station they worked at.

8. On occasion, she'll wear headphones when she's committing a crime. This is because she has noticed that it seems to piss off Darkwing when she yanks out an ear bud and asks him to repeat his entrance.

Annabelle Fitzpatrick aka Anna Savannah
1. She is the only daughter of a mob boss simply known as The Judge.

2. Anna became a tween idol when she was only twelve. At the time, she loved it and felt like she was a good role model for the little girls who looked up to her. As she grew older, she realized just how much she hated the lack of privacy and being tugged on by fans and watched from bushes. She's tried to give up her celebrity life several times now.

3. She has several acquaintances, but the only person she refers to as a friend is a boy named Justin who works at a grocery store in her hometown.

4. Her father calls her Ellie rather than Anna or Belle. This is because her mother is also named Annabelle and  also goes by Anna.

5. She dislikes her sleazy manager, a well-groom rooster with a prosthetic beak. (Foreshadowing, ftw!)

6. Several little girls have disappeared at her concerts during her world-wide Farewell Tour.

7. She receives an enormous amount of threatening letters from someone calling themselves 'ND'. At first, she was very frightened of these letter but now thinks its hilarious to send ND signed memorabilia in response to his death threats. As far as she knows, he is not amused.

8. She dislikes the cutesy pop stuff her manager forces her to sing. If she were to continue her singing career, she'd like to do smaller, intimate venues and move away from mainstream music all together.

9. While the media portrays her as a diva, she's very down to Earth having had reality smack her in the face a few times.

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