Monday, March 28, 2011

Rewrites and Planning

Whelp, for those of you who don't follow me on DeviantArt (actually, its more like, for the people who accidentally found this blog and you're still reading) my old laptop died. Ah, yes, Butters kicked the to speak. The motherboard fried again and well, I haven't decided whether to spend the money to fix it or just leave it as is... Still, Butters (the laptop) has been resurrected before (3 times... my laptop was indeed a zombie) so who knows? Anyway, I have a new laptop... just haven't named it yet. Yes, I am one of those weirdos that feels the need to name important inanimate objects and by important I mean my car, laptop and iPod. Just so you know, I haven't named the toaster or my ceiling fan...that's edging into Megavolt insanity and...well, I'm just not going there.

Anyway, I'm currently rewriting the 3rd part to Crossfire, 4th has actually been coming along much smoother, though since I guess that's where the whole 'Why did Marty leave?' question will be answered. Actually, I'm hoping that the reasoning fits and is believable. I know that I've only done two flashbacks, but hopefully, the nature of LP and Marty's relationship in both those shows through-- the whole they're best friends who are attracted to each other thing... I need to find time to draw up some mini-comics of little Marty and LP. Ah, childhood sweethearts.

Lastly, since I've got all of Crossfire mapped out as well as Waking Up in Vegas and Army of Duckness and DWD/Tangled crossover (and since those three focus more on the Mallards), I figured I should plan out the other stories for Launchpad and Marty. The next one is where Quiverwing Duck would be brought in and technically, focuses on the whole juggling a new relationship as well as work. I also have another story floating around my head that would be a touch more dramatic but would help to explain why Marty runs away from her own wedding three times in a row. The whole Infinite Darkwings arc (and really just that part of it, not the Paddywhack thing...) as well as Darkwarrior kinda inspired me to create another Darkwing, though he'd be extremely dark (I'm giving him the name Deathwing Duck) so I'm not sure how well he'd go over. Anyway, the idea would be to have one universe where like Darkwarrior's, DW's gone into the whole dictatorship type deal. Except, instead of standing idly by, Parker has taken a stand against him. The triplets would be around as well as LP. I haven't worked out all the details just yet, but I do know that Morgana and Gosalyn would have died and Marty too. It's an AU, obviously, but one that I really want to do since I've always been a fan of exploring the multiverse.

Oh and since I've been RPing with Parker and fleshing him out more, I have a story planned out for him called "The Devil Went Down to St. Canard". The boy plays a violin and half his family tree deals with the supernatural ; it was bound to happen... also it doesn't help that rodeo recently passed through and I went to see Zac Brown Band and guess what song they opened with? So yeah, totally have to crank that one out.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another Artsy Post

I probably won't post these to DA until waaaay down the road, but I felt like sharing. Plus I'm like crazy nervous right now! We're having a meeting with the realtor today and hopefully, by the end, we'll have a house!! :D

I blame my aunt and uncle for this (She's about 4 months pregnant right now! :D) But, yeah, had me thinking about how Marty would be a wreck during her pregnancy. 
This was for Crossfire... although, considering that after I sketched this I started sketching out their kids, well...
Anyway, it's from one of the later chapters. It's totally not what you think.

Ducklings! Well, here are the triplets Olive Contessa, Molly Dee and Rebecca Birdie. Olive's and Becky's middle names are from their grandmothers and Molly's is from Drake... I'll explain in the story when they're born. But for now just imagine LP coming out of the delivery room and shouting 'Drake's a girl! Drake's a girl!' 

They grow up so fast. Here are the triplets again and in the same order (totally unintentional by the way). 

Flashback inspired :) 

Another Crossfire illustration for the FOWL party scene. I even added in Feathers in the background. And ignored the cut off part. I have to draw that better.

I gotta finish the background, but I just felt like drawing cupcakes. It was bound to happen. I work in a bakery, after all.

RP-inspired. The first RP I played ending up putting Marty in a tough spot having to choose between Agent Ianto Jones (who belongs to Hellhoundess on DA) and Launchpad. To be honest, Ianto is probably the only OC I can see Marty hooking up with. He's just so charming and adorable.

REED! Summer doesn't get enough love.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Music- The Negaverse

So, I'm taking a small break from Crossfire (and by small I mean like the couple minutes it'll take for me to write this out, lol) Usually, my breaks consist of hanging out on Villain's Scheme...but not really having much fun there since Shelley's comp went out of commission a couple days ago. I mean, I am having fun playing as QD, but I was really getting into the Zombieland thread we started. I think I might pull Wade, Reed and Marty's profiles off... I'm not sure yet. Eh, then again, I'm just feeling a little insecure because of what happened this week at the bakery. The store was broken into twice; both times, the robber didn't find anything, but he caused a lot of damage since the genius decided to break in through the roof. The second time he busted a pipe in the women's restroom and flooded the store. Good on ya, mate.

Anyway, enough of that! I've been gathering up music and this time for The Negaverse. Well, the happy (or unhappy) citizens, anyway.

1. Pray for You- Jaron and The Long Road to Love: Nega-Morgana
Every time I hear this song, I immediately see Nega-Morgana (or at least, my take on her, anyway) sitting in a church and...well, praying for Negaduck. However, don't let the title fool you. The line that sealed the deal for me was "I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I'd like to."

2. Dog Days Are Over- Florence+The Machine: Nega-Gosalyn
I've been listening to this song for a few days now. At first, I was convinced that it was a happy song...but after really listening to the lyrics, it reminds me of the opening scene from Inglorious Bastards where Shoshanna is running from the Nazi soldiers. Well, I know Nega-Gos doesn't have to worry about Nazis (well, maybe. It's the Negaverse, after all) but I think that this song fits her. "She hid behind corners and hid under beds. She killed it with kisses and from it she fled" and "Leave behind all your love and your loving behind. You can't carry it with you if want to survive" are the lines that really struck me as relating to her.

3. Maneater- Nelly Furtado/ Maneater-Hall and Oates :Nega-Marty
Either song really works for her. She's nothing like her Normalverse counterpart: she's just cold, greedy and calculating. She has no problem using anyone so long as she benefits from it.

4. Lay Me Down-Dirty Heads: Nega-Launchpad and Nega-Marty
It's the whole Bonnie and Clyde story in song form.

That's all I have for specific songs. The rest are most of the tracks off the Zombieland soundtrack and a few Evanescence songs (Lies and Away from Me, specifically). I haven't really found any songs that make me think specifically of Negaduck unless he were placed in some situation. In which case, it's really more for mood than an actual theme. Although, when I write for or draw him, I find that metal or Marylin Manson usually helps. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dog Days

I'm hooked on Florence + The Machine today, particularly Dog Days Are Over which has officially been added to my Crossfire soundtrack. Also, I'm not in a great mood, but that song just makes me want to dance...or run in a meadow...or just spin around and around and around...

Anyway, my bad mood was brought on by...well, the fact that I did it again. Every time I think I have a chapter just right and get brave enough to put it up, I go back and read it, then realize it sucks. Okay, maybe not that far with the last chapter I did. To tell the truth, I actually think I did alright. It was suppose to be uncomfortable and tense because Marty and LP haven't seen each other in 12 years and they did not part on good terms (I'd explain, but...nah, I'm not gonna spoil it.) So it wasn't that. I think I cut it off at the wrong spot. I really do. But my goal is to fix it tonight and have it back up by tomorrow...or Friday. Hopefully.

It's just funny, I guess, that I have the entire story mapped out and I know exactly what I want to happen and how it'll end...which I'm actually dreading putting up because what few readers I do have probably won't like it XD And it has nothing to do with pairing them and making it believable because I think it is and a few other people agree. It's getting it in type that's difficult! Plus it's the second chapter and I'm in the middle of wrapping up exposition before getting to the big conflict in the story-FOWL. Those chapters I want to write...actually, three has been fun too...then again, the idea of  LP chasing down Marty's car on a little girl's bike is just amusing to me.

Now, I got to get back to writing and drawing and working in general. The RP I'm currently in sort has me creating the McQuack Triplets teen designs to go along with all the Parker and Trixie fluff I've been doodling, lol. No word on the house yet, but I've got my fingers crossed and I'm getting more hours at work which means bigger paycheck!

Huh, y'know, with all that plus the DW annual being out today, I don't even get why I was in a bad mood anymore.