Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday is for Fairytales

So I currently have two fairy-tales in the works right now. One is DW/Tangled crossover and the other is Chasing Lily which is actually supposed to be a three parter (The series would go Chasing Lily/Finding Lily/Keeping Lily or something to that extent). I'm not sure if the DW/Tangled is going to be an on-going thing. I mean, I have enough of a story to take up a few sketchbooks...and close to sixty pages worth of script so far. Thank god, I actually took down notes as ideas were coming to me this time too.

Anyway, I guess I should just go ahead put a brief synopsis of both.

First, Chasing Lily is an original fairytale. The idea for it came after my brief stint as a Walt Disney World cast member when I signed up for the College Program back in 06. At the time, it had been a sort of crack story that had my roommates and friends as the main cast. Seriously, it was kinda...awful. Well, fast forward to about November 2009. Things were going downhill pretty fast between my best friends and I. I sort of picked this project back up as a way to distract myself from all the drama. It worked.

So Chasing Lily takes place in a made up, nameless world where the countries of Espada, Port Vista, Chatham Harbor, North Highland and the pirate hub IPAH (or EPAH depending on the words I pick for that acronym) exist. It starts off with two friends, Jonah and ... well, his name was Flynn. (Mind you, I had started thinking of this story way before I realized Tangled was ever going to be made, but I guess somewhere along the way I stumbled across some artwork for the movie, because my Flynn and Tangled's Flynn...uh, way too similar.) So Jonah and for now, nameless hero, were classmates and dorm buddies at High Northland's Royal Academy. Jonah is pretty level-headed, a bit reserved and tends to be passive aggressive. The Hero, a little more cocky, adventurous and assertive (He's a Scorpio. Jonah's a Pisces.) (Oh as far as names go, I'm really stuck. Flynn was perfect....I thought about naming him Drake, coming up with a totally different design...but then I'd have two Drakes...ugh, I need a new name...and geez, talk about stream of consciousness.) Anyway, back to the summary. Jonah and NH (nameless hero) run away from the academy when the two of them are about fifteen, sixteen. Flash forward about five or six years and the two have  a rather successful career as bounty hunters now and have been hired by the King and Queen of the southern kingdom of Espada to find their runaway daughter Princess Azucena Jose Maria del Fuente (or as her mother simply calls her, Ena). This takes the boys to a much smaller kingdom, Port Vista. (Technically, it's only a small town, but they have a princess.) There, NH goes undercover as a knight hired to help the town with it's pirate problem while he looks for Azucena. Instead, he meets Lily, a young woman of about 19 who works in a tavern and takes up residence in the Vista Way Inn, room 2804. The two begin an unlikely friendship and while he suspects she's the princess he's looking for, he hopes she isn't. Either way, he let's Jonah in on his suspicions and Jonah head back to Espada to confirm this with the King and Queen. While he's gone, the town is attacked by the pirates of the Phantom. Panicking, NH shoves Lily into an empty wine barrel in the cellar of the tavern and promises to come back for her. Unfortunately, the first place the pirates raid is the tavern and guess which barrel they decided to grab because it felt a lot fuller than the others? So Lily ends up on the ship and NH gets his butt handed to him by the petite and skilled Captain Mari. The next morning, Jonah arrives, shocked at the state of the town and finds NH begging Princess Shannon for a horse and some supplies for a rescue mission (she's actually the only one in town who owns a stable). Jonah's able to persuade the princess and NH and he take off after the ship. Meanwhile, Lily is introduced to the very small crew of the Phantom. There's James and John Dakota. James is the helmsman and was studying to be a sorcerer at the Royal Academy when he had a nervous breakdown. John is the first mate and claims the only reason he's even around is to keep Mari and James out of serious trouble. Mari is the captain, of course and actually very friendly.And then there's Bang-Bang, a small boy of maybe ten or eleven who doesn't speak. He's the cabin boy/explosives expert. (Jame's exact words, too.) So that's basically how it starts. But yeah, I'm still working on getting everything kinda cleaned up and cutting parts and adding others or moving them into the next two stories.

As for DW/Tangled, still need a decent title. When I started drawing this crossover and thinking about the story behind it, I was reminded of that one really random episode of Darkwing, 'Darkwing Dubloon'. So if I go through with this idea (which I will. I already put way too much thought into it...which means, I'm seriously attached to this project!) it would basically be like that. Anyway, the idea was that Drake and Launchpad are being accused of stealing a crown that belonged to the princess (who is presumed dead, by the way.) and that's how it starts. Literally, the opening sequence I have planned out is that Drake and LP are being chased through the streets by (of all people, too) Fenton Crackshell's alterego, Gizmo Duck and quite a few knights. So the two high-tail it out of there after Drake leaves Gosalyn with the Muddlefoots. The two manage to escape capture in the woods and stumble across a tower. No, they don't climb it. They're about to when Marty scares them by jumping out of the bushes around the tower. After getting a brief sum up of what's happen to them, she enlists them as her new bodyguards/hair handlers (despite their protests) and takes them down to her favorite tavern, The Old Haunt. There, Marty introduces them to Morgana, who also happens to be on the run from her evil stepmother, Magica. Meanwhile, in St. Canardia, Gosalyn has enlisted Honkers help in trying to clear her father's name. And that's how that one starts.

Man, long post is long. But anyway, I figured now that both summaries are up, I can dedicate a little bit of time to posting about them without worrying about things not making sense. Well, I guess they still don't make sense, but hey, I tried, at least.

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