Thursday, December 30, 2010


Uh, so this is embarrassing.

I didn't realize I had received any comments on any of my posts so far. Granted, right now, they're all from the same person, but still thank you for taking the time to leave them! Really, with all the crazy stuff happening at home, reading these made my day.

I'm also discovering that there's no way to reply to them (Or at least, no obvious way) I'll just reply to them now!

"Well, I guess I'm officially stalking you now... but hopefully not in an annoyingly creepy way. ;) (I'll accept "pleasantly creepy" or "annoyingly pleasant" though. I like to keep that "pleasant" part in there.) ^_^  " 

This one made me smile. And you are neither annoying or creepy! You're the most pleasant and polite stalker ever!

Haha... it's good to finally see Marty in written form, since this gives *such* a good sense of her character right away. Locks in with the art to form a complete whole, methinks. ^_^ Poor Launchpad... Poor, confused Launchpad. XD

(I forgot about her swearing like a sailor until I read this, too... LOL!) 

Thanks! I'm glad her written form meshes with her design so well. She's by far one of the easier characters (out of all my OCs, I mean) to write, too. 

 I love your song list... they're all over the map, which is cool :D A She and Him song is even in there! I haven't heard it (I only know one of their songs so why I act like I'm in the know and all cool is beyond me) but I like their style on the one I did hear. ^_^

I don't have enough for a full soundtrack on any fics but I do have a "soundtrack" playlist to put on when I write in general... they tend to be more thematic, with a couple of exceptions that correspond to specific scenes. "That Kind of Love" by Allison Krauss ended up defining a scene in one recent fic (of the soul-crushing variety... which is funny b/c lyrically it's not a sad song, but the way it's sung it's very lonely and full of longing).

Oh, and my halloween fic "The House on Avian Way" is set to the soundtrack of "Beetlejuice". Some scenes are even meant to be paced to certain particular tracks.

And inexplicably I have several songs by Alice Cooper on there, which don't correspond to anything except they remind me of Negaduck, whom I've only written twice. O_o 

Yep, I can't stick solely to one genre of music. My iPod is a musical mess; I've got indie bands, mainstream, musicals... I even have a few Miley Cyrus songs (I'm not proud of it, but my philosophy has always been you can like the music and dislike the singer.) I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that She and Him song is "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?" XD It's one of my favorites and I've been trying to study the choreography in the Bank Dance Video because I want to at least storyboard a sequence between Marty and LP like that. I use to just use a single list for everything as well, but I dunno. My English teacher in high school use to give us a project for every book we read where we had to build a sound track to correspond with the themes and scenes of the book. So I guess I just picked it up from there. Lol, Alice Cooper, huh? I think I have a couple Rise Against songs that correspond to Negs, along with some Mars Volta and Marylin Manson. I'm curious now, though. Are you going to write anything else with him?

And done!

So, from now on, I'll just take the time to reply to comments here. It'll even have it's own label :]

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I have blogspot set up to email me when I get comments on my blog, but like you, I haven't found a convenient way to reply to comments. So recently I just don't, unless I am asked a direct question (and even then there's no way to notify the questioner, I just have to hope they check back). Still, this works. *G*

    So yes, you are right - the She and Him song I had heard is "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here". I didn't know it had a video though. I just YouTubed it and on seeing the description I knew I was in trouble, because I already have a raging crush on Joseph Gordon Levitt because of "Inception". And now he's dancing. I have a thing for choreography. Well, I'll spare you the details here but I think I'll be watching that about five or six times more tonight. :D

    I actually wish I had a full soundtrack for any one single fic... I do actually use music for a lot of inspiration but for this series, for some reason, I don't have a whole lot of concrete things. I should post what I do have, though. I've been wanting to get together something more concrete since reading your post on the subject. :)

    Oh, and I have several Kelly Clarkson and Taylor Swift songs I have to confess to liking (though I think Taylor Swift is kind of adorable, honestly, so I'm not sure why I'm embarrassed about that one... possibly just b/c I'm not usually that poppy) so I can't hold Miley Cyrus against you. ;)
