Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Umbrella-ella-ella...

Darn it, Glee! I avoided that show for nearly a year and now I'm addicted to like half the songs.

Sigh. Well, I had to scrap the Valentine's comic. 10 page research papers, logo projects and my several jobs just don't give me enough time to do... anything. Plus, I'm house-hunting and filling out FHA forms and...blech, just so much. But, that doesn't mean I've given up on doing something for Valentines, art-wise. Plus, kinda go hand in hand with gift-art for some people which I'm happy to do. Seriously, I didn't know how great it was to get gift art till last year and now I'm just sort of addicted to drawing it for other people. Probably shouldn't do that so often just 'cause I'll probably never be commissioned again, but oh well.

Aside from that, I posted the first part of Crossfire to both DeviantArt and Fanfiction.Net. I'm working on the second part now, which is also getting the total rewrite treatment, just like the first chapter. So far, I haven't heard much about it, but eh, can't be helped, I guess. I liked writing it, so I guess that's all the matters :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I run into that a LOT. A WHOLE LOT. Basically no one leaves comments on my stuff and if I didn't hear directly from people taht they are reading it, I'd figure only about four people did so.

    Like I said, I am going to read it, promise! I'm splitting my time on multiple fics right now so I'm horribly slow. I know that knowing someone is going to read something when they can doesn't make it that much easier to deal with a lack of feedback though. ;)

    Going in reverse, I know, gift art is really danged addictive O_O I realized I haven't drawn Beth in like a month. And I have at least 2, maybe 4 more pieces of gift art to finish up and post (and then more to do). Yeek. I'll like seeing anything you do for V-Day! I was thinking of trying to get something done but... I probably won't. :P
