Monday, February 28, 2011

Life is like a hurricane in Duckburg!

Okay, I'll stop. ('sides, you know you already have the song stuck in your head... You're welcome.) In case you can't tell, I'm feeling pretty peppy and hyper today and that's because I am about 98% done with the second Crossfire chapter! And I managed to do that while working on that damn research paper over Designer babies, too... although, all that research started giving me ideas for a totally different I need to see Gattaca now...

Ahem, sorry for that stream of consciousness. Anyway, I'm just making little tweaks here and there to the chapter and should have it up by Wednesday. Lol, I got a bit angsty again at the end (I totally hate when that happens) so I got fix that. And then I'll be ready to start chapter 3. So excited since that's when the real action starts up and everyone's favorite FOWL agents show up. Writing dialog for Steelbeak is gonna be a killer though.

In non-fan related stuff, I think our house hunting days are over! We're in the process of putting an offer down on a cute little house in a really quiet neighborhood and hopefully, if all goes well, we'll be moving soon. Bonus, I'll finally have internet at home again!!


  1. 1 - Everyone and their mother has been doing the "Life Is Like A Hurricane" line lately, LOL. To be different I'll have to think of a different part of the song. :D

    2 - Gattaca is a great, semi-overlooked movie (and it's another "Everyone Wants To Be Jude Law" movie, like "The Talented Mr. Ripley"). Written by the same guy who wrote "The Truman Show"!

    3 - I saw you got more Crossfire posted, yay! I'll read it as soon as I can! I'm amused by your angsty comment, my overpropensity towards angst totally drove me off of writing for like 5 years until I could get over it. Now I'm afraid to try emo stuff again. ;)

    4 - Good luck on the house! Yay!

  2. LOL, really? Hah, it's just been stuck in my head since my co-worker came over and decided to belt out the entire song at my desk XD Then everyone was singing it!

    Ooh, good to know! I Netflixed it the other day and I was a little iffy, but if it's the same guy who wrote Truman, then I'm sure I'll like it :D

    And yeah, I put the chapter back up yesterday. I'm not so sure of it, but hopefully, it works. I know what you mean, though! I just have to keep reminding myself that I do NOT want my story to become the next Twilight! But I guess, it's like everything. Angst is good in moderation...and when it doesn't sparkle.
