Monday, January 10, 2011

The Breakdown

Well, its finally happened. My creative drive has stalled...

Usually, I don't like going into detail about my personal life. I use to type up rants on a daily basis, just horribly worded garbage about how unfair everything was and the various jerks in my life and I only stopped doing that last year when I switched Deviantart accounts. If anyone was coming off as a jerk, it was me and I hated that. So, I started new...but now... ugh, I just need someone to talk to, I guess.

I don't know. Currently, I'm sitting at my desk at work, staring at a blank sheet in my sketchbook and for the first time ever, I'm actually intimidated by it. It doesn't help that I'm actually belittling myself for the artwork I posted on Saturday and even considered taking it down. But that's not me. I don't draw and write for the attention; I do it because I'm passionate about it and because I'm good at it. So why is it bothering me so much that it seems nothing I do is good enough for everyone else?

So there's that. There's also the fact that my school is being difficult and scheduled my classes in such a way that I'm losing out on two whole days of work. I'm basically taking a $320 pay cut and I wasn't earning that much to begin with...

The whole irony in this stressful situation is that my personal stress reliever is art.

Except I can't draw.

And that stresses me out more.

Man, I hope this artistic block goes away soon... I can't stand to be like this. 

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