Friday, January 14, 2011

Iron Mallard

My first week of class is officially over and things are actually looking up now. Then again, it probably helps that I'm practically on the floor right now. The schedule I'm on is draining me big time. I know it's pretty bad when I'm actually jealous of some of the characters I'm writing about, haha. Last night, I attempted to get back on track with Crossfire since I had no homework and a little time before I completely crashed. What did I end up writing?

A scene in which LP gets to just sleep. A lot more happens than just that, but I decided it was time to get to bed when I started going into detail about pillows and warm blankets, totally mundane and non relevant to the story.

But since I'm on Crossfire and feeling a bit more creative than last week, I wanted to throw out some plot stuff :)

So, in all the summaries I've written pertaining to that story, I don't think I've ever mentioned what the mission was that brought Marty and LP back together. Well, for a while now, I've been toying with the idea of superheroes. That should come to no surprise, though. Before I got back into the DWD fandom, I had created Backdraft and Nova and their various nemesis. When I started thinking of DW again, I had already made up my mind that Gosalyn would become Quiverwing eventually, Parker would take over his father's post as DW when he was old enough (really, its just an implied thing. I don't have any idea if I'd take my AU that far into the future yet.). I have a storyline written down somewhere in which Morgana becomes sort of a Hellboy type figure, in the sense that she's recruited by SHUSH as head of their Paranormal Research and Defense Division.

Well, after watching a couple LP-centric episodes from both Ducktales and DWD (as well as both Iron Man movies...oh, Robert Downey Jr., why must I love everything you appear in?) I had come up with the Iron Mallard project. I knew eventually that sometime during my AU, I was going to have LP take up this alter-ego. I just hadn't figured out how until I started writing Crossfire.

So the Iron Mallard project is basically Sara Bellum's latest attempt at a Nobel with some help from the DIA's head scientist, Gyro Gearloose (hence the reason behind the joined forces of both agencies in the story). It is a flight suit, but unlike the movie/comic, it was built for military use. The way I figured is that the two agencies started the project in secrecy during the time Quackwerks took over. I mean, Gizmoduck is out of commission, Darkwing is lying low. If stuff hit the fan, who was going to take care of it? (Of course, the comic already answered that XD ) Naturally, after a few years of working on it and perfecting it, FOWL swoops in and steals the plans and prototype. And that's where Marty and Launchpad come in.

I know LP's personality isn't even close to Tony Stark's. Actually, I think Darkwing is a bit closer (minus the womanizer bit. They both have huge egos and a knack with gadgets, though.) But Launchpad and a flight suit? C'mon, that is so obvious. Plus, he's shown plenty of times in both shows wanting to be the hero. Water Way to Go's plot banked on that ambition. I also think that just like Tony Stark goes public with his persona, LP would ultimately do the same given some time. Of course, he would have SHUSH to back him up (And hopefully, Drake and he would have both learned their lesson about being listed in the phone book or being obscenely obvious about what is being dropped off at the dry cleaners...XD). I have a few sketches of what the suit is supposed to look like, but for the most part it's very similar to the original Iron Man design. I definitely did not want to go in the same direction as Gizmoduck whom I always considered more of a Robocop parody than Iron Man.

So that's about it for now. Things are slow at work again, so who knows? I might be able to post another character profile or song list today as well :)

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