Friday, January 28, 2011

Under Construction

So, I think I mentioned this earlier, but I'm completely revising the first part of Crossfire. The old drafts are still up here if you feel like reading them. After the whole Marty-OC/Canon pairing panic attack, I received a lot of insightful advice from fellow artists and writers on Deviant Art as well as found a really well written characterization entry on the Weblog Chronicles over Launchpad.

In my opinion, the entry over Launchpad said it best. It's like there's two Launchpads-the one from Ducktales and then the one from Darkwing Duck- and one plays a more active role than the other. I think that's why I've had so much difficulty writing for him specifically. My instincts are to write him with a little more brains than he seems to have in the television show, but that won't work. Still, I want him to be more active in the series I'm writing. When I started writing out notes and script ideas, I formatted it in such way that the main cast rotate narrator duty, the main cast being Drake, LP and Gosalyn. I admit the idea is something I picked up from Scrubs, but I thought it would work... until I got to the LP-centric storyline. I had a difficult time writing his dialog and then, having him carry the story by himself seemed to make it worst. Not that I think he couldn't carry a story alone. I simply couldn't figure out how to write it at the time. So I've more or less re-worked that into the fanfictions and comics I'm working on now. I know he's an easy going person, generally accepting, not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, yet I always seem to want to give the big lug a little more depth than is necessary for his character. Oh well, I'll get it one of these days.

Anyhow, other than that, I have sketches to put up here, but they'll probably have to wait till tomorrow. I've been playing around with the idea of doing a quick Valentine's Day comic, but I'm not sure yet. I have a rough idea of what would happen and it only be something like 3 pages, I think...then again, I always go over board so who knows? I do know that it would be called Single Awareness Day, but its not as cynical as the name suggests.

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